We in America are not supposed to have culture - this is the opinion of the concert manager who seems only to appreciate exotic attractions. This appreciation is only natural for the managers come from the old country themselves. You have only to look over the list of artists Hurok imports to see how true this is. If we artists work together and present our work we will prove that Canada has something to contribute to the art world. We may have a different sense of humour and a freedom which shows in our work; we should not be ashamed of these but make use of them.
Most children want to dance and I think the place to teach it is in the schools from Kindergarten, thru public and High Schools and University. This is done in many cities in the U.S. Small towns literally not on the map, because they have a dance club, [are able to] bring well known N.Y. groups to their schools where the artists find most enthusiastic and intelligent audiences. (Also in small towns where the libraries have few books, clubs are formed and after receiving a book they donate it to the library.)
The proposal that the artists show their work at the CNE is an excellent idea. This would show the public what we could do. School groups, churches and Women's Clubs, etc. should take on more responsibility and sponsor our professional artists. This would be a means of livelihood and develop our Canadian talent. This all sounds like charity. It is not that; but we do need help. Canadians have inferiority complexes. I do not mean the artists but the general public thinks the only talented people are foreigners. With a little co-operation from the general public and the help of the above institutions we could have a place on the market and do such things as a real Canadian Pageant at the grandstand during the CNE, have employment with the Canadian Concert Bureau, work with the symphony programmes and exchange engagements with other cities.