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DCD Lab – Searchability
On Friday 31st July, we came together to enjoy a DCD Lab on the topic of Searchability. The DCD Lab was led by Amy Bowring and Beth Dobson. After the introductions, we set into the meat of the business, and were ably guided through such questions as: How easy do you find it to search…
Caring for Photographs: How do you…?
We looked at the ten agents of deterioration in our blog ‘Caring for Photographs: What’s Causing my Photographs to Fall Apart?’ and examined how they cause your photographs to deteriorate.
International Dance Day & Atlantic Canada
To celebrate International Dance Day no the 29th April 2021, DCD held a Live Lab showcasing their fabulous collection of dance material especially as related to Atlantic Canada.
Welcome to the archive. Actually no, go away!
A tale of secrets, remoteness, gatekeeping and control. Let me introduce myself … I work in the archive world as the person who cares for the artefacts. I’m the person who puts them back together when they fall apart and slows down the speed at which they fall apart. I’m a conservator. I have a…
Caring for Your Photographs: What’s causing…?
The DCD holds many thousands of photographs. We are responsible for their care and long term preservation. Over a series of blogs you can discover how we do this.
Your Stories: What You Want from a Digital Archive …
We asked you to share your thoughts in answer to the question: Q. If you could have anything from a digital archive what would it be? We were very pleased that so many of you responded and sent us your answers. Danse Cité Electronic Archives-Terminus 1 © I would love: 360-degree videos of performances Incorporation…