Review of the Year. Highlights of 2021.
Development moved forward apace, collaborations grew in strength and number, and community engagement continued giving great insights and comments about your needs and wants for DCD Discover.
Development moved forward apace, collaborations grew in strength and number, and community engagement continued giving great insights and comments about your needs and wants for DCD Discover.
From April-July, 2021 we conducted a pilot project of One-on-One Live Labs through Zoom. This gave us an opportunity to introduce DCD Discover to Independent dance artists across Canada and…
We asked you to share your experiences of searchability, accessibility and gatekeeping. It prompted a strong response and provoked the most heartfelt comments. Clearly many of you have been adversely affected by these issues. Don Gillies Electronic Archives © We asked the question … Q. What are your experiences of searchability, accessibility and gatekeeping? You…
We asked you to share your thoughts in answer to the question: Q. If you could have anything from a digital archive what would it be? We were very pleased that so many of you responded and sent us your answers. Danse Cité Electronic Archives-Terminus 1 © I would love: 360-degree videos of performances Incorporation…
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