DCD Live Lab

Thank you to all of you who joined in with DCD’s first LiveLab. It was great to see so many new faces and such a mix of people, from students and archivists to dancers and academics. The LiveLab was led by Gavin Starks, Director of Dgen. Gavin started by explaining that the LiveLabs are an…

DCD Lab – Gatekeeping

On the 13th of August 2020 we had the pleasure of a DCD Lab on Gatekeeping. It was great to see you. What a wide variety of experience you represented! Those attending included curators, DCD board members, administrators, volunteers, performers, producers, technologists, directors and archivists. The definition of Gatekeeping is “the controlling of access to…

Your Stories: Your Experiences of Searchability, Accessibility and Gatekeeping

We asked you to share your experiences of searchability, accessibility and gatekeeping. It prompted a strong response and provoked the most heartfelt comments. Clearly many of you have been adversely affected by these issues. Don Gillies Electronic Archives © We asked the question … Q. What are your experiences of searchability, accessibility and gatekeeping?  You…

Your Stories: What You Want from a Digital Archive …

We asked you to share your thoughts in answer to the question: Q. If you could have anything from a digital archive what would it be?  We were very pleased that so many of you responded and sent us your answers. Danse Cité Electronic Archives-Terminus 1 © I would love: 360-degree videos of performances  Incorporation…

Automated image classification

Last week we demonstrated using image recognition services to help classify and describe images. The demo used two services: Google’s Vision AI, and Microsoft’s Cognitive Services. Both offer broadly similar feature sets: Tagging for subject matter Tagging faces within images Recognition and location of objects with an image Reading printed or handwritten text within images…

Let’s make sure that our critical content is not marooned on data islands

Let’s make sure that our critical content is not marooned on data islands

The sustainability of digital projects varies widely. Let’s have a look at two examples. A. Quick-fix, short-term, unsustainable Typically, commercial web projects are created to fulfil some short-lived need (a few years or less). They are built on proprietary internal structures (e.g. internal databases) and interfaces (both web and API) that can be varied at-will…

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