Call for Propsals

CAll for proposals
Deadline: Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:59pm (PDT)
Supported by: William J.S. Boyle
Amount Awarded: $5,000
“For Toronto, 15 Dance Lab was a solid beginning to another way of thinking. If you want to dance, you have to create your own environment and make something happen. Some of the work at 15 was god-awful and some of it was fantastic. You often don’t know what you’re doing. You just know you’re doing it.” – Miriam Adams
Miriam Adams, C.M., (co-founder of Dance Collection Danse and 15 Dance Lab) has a history of supporting work that breaks through conventional barriers. From the early days of 15 Dance Lab, Lawrence and Miriam Adams created a space that welcomed all and laid the foundation for what would become Toronto’s independent dance scene.
The work was eclectic, diverse, risky, and investigative, inviting dynamic new voices to explore without traditional rules or restrictions.
In the spirit of 15 Dance Lab and Adams’s own work, this bursary, supported by William J. S. Boyle, offers emerging professional dance artists an opportunity to train, research, and investigate, with a financial commitment to help ease the burden of advancing their professional career. The bursary is not intended for the creation of new work or choreographic processes, but rather for the training, research and investigations that further the individual’s dance practice, such as mentorships and special training opportunities.
Note: This bursary is not for students or recent graduates who have not embarked on a professional career, but rather for company or independent artists over the age of 18 who have performed professionally in at least 3 productions.
The Bursary of $5,000 covers expenses for one year, beginning upon the candidate’s receipt of funds towards, for example:
- Further education or training for an artist who has demonstrated a commitment to a professional dance career
- Concentrated study with a specialized mentor
- Examination of a particular area of interest related to dance
The application process: - Prepare a video no longer than 2 minutes in length telling us about yourself and how you would use the $5,000 to further your training exploration. A mobile phone quality file is fine.
- In a written statement of no more than 250 words, explain how your program would serve your development and align with the Bursary’s exploratory objectives.
- Send your bio and up to 3 video samples of you in performance with links to YouTube or Vimeo.
Send your application material by WeTransfer to with the subject line “Miriam Adams Exploration Bursary”. Application deadline is Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:59pm (PDT).
The recipient of the Miriam Adams Exploration Bursary will be announced at the 2024 Dance Collection Danse Hall of Fame on Sunday, November 10, 2024.